Execution Of Flow Metering System

Due to the importance of energy consumption in industrial processes, Ista Kherd Parseh Company (IKP CO) established a Flow Metering Systems department (FMS).
The appropriate equipment is selected and all relevant documents are designed to temperature and pressure compensation according to API, AGA, SGERG standards.
the main activity of this unit is creating the necessary engineering facilities to accurate measurement of flow in process lines and energy consumption of factories.
All activities such as quotation preparation, procurement, installation, pre commissioning and commissioning are performed by our experts and training courses in two levels of operating and engineering are held before the final delivery of the project.
Most of the time we use Contrec and ABB flow computers in our projects that we have the exclusive representative of Contract flow computes in Iran too.
As a success story after the complex engineering and a lot of experience, we able in programming API tables and implementing them in various projects with the Siemns PLC .